Business portraits

A portrait can speak volumes about its subject. It can massively support or can utterly undermine a person’s business image. Sunburnt holiday snapshot? A scan of a long-since faded school photo? Or even a picture of one of the kids covered in chocolate? We've all seen them as profile pictures on social media.

It creates a first and lasting impression and I don't think I am going out on a limb by saying that in the corporate world, your chosen image will speak about you as a professional.

A single portrait, or a set of images of the board is one of the ways in which you can communicate and manage a whole host of perceptions to do with culture, mood, brand, context, the list goes on.

And don't be afraid to go beyond conventional. You could argue that there are already too many board tables in board photos. It is rarely the table that defines the company.

  • Corporate image

    Presenting a consistent and professional corporate image is not simple, but it is so much easier when you have top quality photographs to do the job for you. They give people the confidence that they can do business with you

  • Brand identity

    Images of people tell a story about your organisation - they give an insight into your culture and reflect the character and personality of your brand - they make people want to work with you

  • Differentiated messages

    The human brain processes images with amazing accuracy and far quicker than it processes text or numbers. A photograph gives your messages context and it trumps prose on its own every time

  • Social media

    The image you choose for your social media profiles serves many purposes, but above all it creates an impression of who you are and what you are like. It can interest and engage or it can, well... not do that